There are three possible types for options.plugin
{ pluginName: string, pluginType: string, nth?: number}
// Several different plugin selectors may be used
const plugin = fluid.plugins.DragonflyHallVst2
const op1 = { value: 15, paramKey: 'sizeMeters', plugin: plugin }
const op2 = { value: 10, paramKey: 'sizeMeters', plugin: 'DragonflyHallReverb' }
const op3 = fluid.plugins.DragonflyHallVst2.makeAutomation.sizeMeters(30)
op3.plugin.nth = 2 // Select an instance other than the first
const tLibraryVerb = {
b: new techniques.PluginAutomation(op1),
c: new techniques.PluginAutomation(op2),
a: new techniques.PluginAutomation(op3),
Inserts an automation point for a specific plugin on an arbitrary track