When present, insert an automation point instead of setting the parameter directly
(default) 0=linear, -1=startFast, 1=startSlow
Insert and select an audio file clip into the selected audio track. Noop when there is no selected track.
name the new clip
clip start time in quarter notes
Mute or unmute the selected audio track.
Set the pan, or add a pan automation point
stereo pan position -1=hardLeft, 1=hardRight
When present, insert an automation point instead of setting the parameter directly
(default) 0=linear, -1=startFast, 1=startSlow
Remove all automation from the track and from all the tracks plugins.
Remove all clips (ex. audio, midi clips) from the selected audio track.
Render a region of the track to an audio file. If no time range is supplied, the engine should use the loop time range.
output filename
Select an audio track by name
Selects a track, ensuring that it has a bus return. Afterwords, other tracks can add sends that target the track selected with this method.
Use the audiotrack.send method to send from other tracks to a return.
name of audiotrack (the return will be named after the audio track).
Adjust the send level to the specified bus, adding the send (post-gain) if it does not yet exist. Use with audiotrack.selectReturnTrack(busName).
As of cybr 0.3.0, this will also select the aux send plugin. To select the aux send plugin without setting the gain, omit the levelDb parameter.
The name of the return bus to send to
Unmute the selected audio track.
Set the track width, or add a width automation point
1=default, 0=mono, -1=stereoInvert
When present, insert an automation point instead of setting the parameter directly
(default) 0=linear, -1=startFast, 1=startSlow
Adjust the track gain or add a gain automation point.
When adjusting gain, set the gain of the the last volume plugin on the track's PluginList. When adding volume automation, adjust the second last volume parameter, creating it if needed.