Change the length of the clip. In this method, beats refer to Tracktion
Waveform's notion of beats, which are indicated by the value in the
lower value of the time signature. This does not seem to correctly account
for compound meters (in 6/8, an eighth note is still considered one beat).
durationInBeats: number
new length of the clip in seconds
trimStart: boolean = false
if true, trim the beginning of the clip, effectively
changing the start time
Trim the clip. positive number will make the clip shorter from both the
beginning and the end. Unlike many methods, this operates with seconds
as the time unit instead of whole notes (or quarter notes).
Change the length of the clip. In this method, beats refer to Tracktion Waveform's notion of beats, which are indicated by the value in the lower value of the time signature. This does not seem to correctly account for compound meters (in 6/8, an eighth note is still considered one beat).